Hi, everyone! I'm so sorry that I haven't posted anything in a while. It's actually been three years. So sorry! I plan on making a post everyday. I have a plan, so do not fear! I plan on taking care of this sad, neglected blog. Here's my plan:
I had spent some time with a family friend and watched Julie and Julia and I noticed that one of the main characters and I had something in common; we have a blog! And I liked that she did a challenge to make her blog more interesting. I wanted to do something, but the thing is, I can't cook to save my life. I can cook something and it would be on fire and frozen at the same time. My parents laugh and ask me how am I going to survive when I turn eighteen. Which is not far off, by the way.
So I came to the conclusion to do an art blog! I was hoping to do an art piece everyday and post it up on my blog for everyone to see. I thought it was a good idea because I love art, and I would like to get better at it. It could be great because you can see my progress as I continue with thus challenge.
What do you think?
Now about me. My name is Rachel Sky and I am a senior in high school. I go to an alternative school in California called Spectrum. I go there because I have had trouble in school. Not academically, just emotionally and socially. I tend to get anxiety when I meet new people. I have depression and bipolar disorder. I know that this isn't exactly cheerful, but I want people like me to know that they're not alone. That there are people like me are going through the same struggle.
I love the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. My favorite turtle is Raphael. And then Michelangelo. I absolutely love all the variations of them. I used to watch them when I was a little girl and had all the action figures. I have so many TMNT things decorating my room, and so many T-shirts. I wear my TMNT shell backpack to school, and it has become my signature. Everyone knows me by my backpack.
I have two younger siblings, Rose and Mathew. They are the love of my life. They are so much younger than me. Mathew is four and Rose is two. I'm like their second mother, but I still love having them in my life. They make my life so much brighter.
I'm going to be going to college next year! I'm so excited yet terrified at the same time. I don't know what I want to do! There are so many things that I love! I want to be in music. I want to be in art. I want to be in writing. I want to be in Theatre Arts. There's just too much! But I'm pretty sure that I'm going to study to be an RN so that I have a back up plan if my other passions don't get me as far as I would like. I'm turning eighteen on March 12. I know it's a long ways away, but I still keep thinking about it.
I'm very much into DC and Marvel. I can't wait for the new Deadpool movie to come out as well as Suicide Squad! I'll be the first in line. I always talk to my dad and grandpa about comics and different theories.
I'm adopted. My adoptive dad adopted me, but I still I live with him and my biological mother. They're the best parents I could ever have. I love them so much. Mom, dad, if you're reading this, I love you!
I love watching YouTube gamers play games. Especially Five Nights at Freddy's. I love their reactions. My favorite gamer is Markiplier. I love him! He's the best! Don't tell Mark, but I think he's really cute. Shh! That is our little secret.
I love reading. My favorite authors are James Rollins, Michael Crighton, and Jodi Picoult. I love their books. I think they are really good.
I love singing and I think I'm pretty good too. I'm thinking about getting a YouTube channel to share my music. I write songs. They're not the best, but I still find it fun.
Well, that's all about me that I can think of. If you have anymore questions about me you want to know about, just ask me in the comments section and I'll try to answer them. I think I'm going to start my art on October 1st. It gives me a little time to get ready.
Thank you for reading this! I appreciate it so much! You guys mean so much to me. To take the time out of your busy days to read my blog. You guys are the best!
Bye, bye!
-Rachel Sky
Rachel. please email me when you see this Aylsworthsilver@gmail.com